So soon after, my Mom arrived. Let me just tell you, my mom is as big of a chicken as I am. So needless to say, we were the worst two people to have to catch this thing. So once we got brave enough we walked into the bathroom to check it out.
Then catching the lizard went something like this:
1. Figure out where it was! (Through the crack of the door we located the lizard.)
2. Get a big tupperware and put it over it to trap it. (It actually took us awhile until we got brave enough to actually walk in the closet. Once we got in we slowly moved the door so the lizard didn't get scared and run somewhere. Let me tell you, there are plenty of things for this lizard to hide in. So we slowly approached the lizard and got the tupperware over it. We then both ran out to catch our breath.)
3. Next, we put weights on top of the tupperware so it didn't get knocked over or the lizard didn't get out. (We are so smart!)
4. Then we needed to slide a piece of cardboard underneath to trap it in... only one problem we couldn't slide the cardboard underneath. So we had to try many things. It went from a spatula, to a kabob stick, to a grill fork, and then back to the cardboard.
5. We finally got it and we trapped the lizard. (We were so proud!)
6. Now we had to get it outside. So we then got a pizza stone and slid it underneath to make sure the cover was sturdy enough to get it outside without dropping it. My mom carried the pizza stone and I held the tupperware down with one hand. The entire way out of the house my mom was screaming "Hold on tight I don't want the lizard to jump on me!" :) We took the lizard out to the street to let it free... but the dumb lizard didn't even move. It stayed there for like an hour. I hope it went FAR FAR away!!!
6. We cheered because the lizard was out of the house!!! It only took us 2 hours :)
Thanks mom for coming to my rescue :)
OMG...I am laughing so hard right now...I can totally picture this! You are too funny! :)