The restaurant that we went to was very small. We were actually the only people there so the kids were able to get up and run around and entertain each other. Tessa had so much fun playing with the kids and the kids we went with were so sweet to her. They helped her and watched over her making sure she was OK at all times. It was really cute! If she would do something that she shouldn't the kids would come and tell me (well they didn't actually tell me... we just played a little charades). If Tessa would drop some of her snacks (dinner because she was not to interested in the Japanese food) they would pick up the crumbs and come and put them in DJ's or my hands. It was too funny! And the other wives that were there loved Brady. They loved holding him and he loved cuddling with them. I actually got to eat dinner hands free!!! Needless to say we all really enjoyed ourselves, and we have already been making plans for our next dinner out. I think it might be sushi!
All Ready To Go!
Can you tell they are related???
Tessa and her new friends!
Tessa is learning how to do Origami with her new friends. They do Origami like we would color in coloring books :)
People here always pose in some way when taking pictures around here. They either do some silly jump or put their hands up. A very popular thing to do is to make the peace sign. It even starts at a young age... as you can see :)
Brady cuddling!