The rainy season in Japan has arrived. It has rained everyday for the past week! It is a challenge entertaining ourselves in this little apartment all day... and to top it all off DJ has been gone the entire time! But even though we get bored we do try to escape outside from time to time!
The kids love wearing their rain coats and using their new umbrellas! Since it is not cold here when it rains we have lots of fun running around and playing in the puddles :) Silly Mommy forgot to pack Tessa's rain boots so the Crocs have been the "rain shoes". They were getting a little slippery so we finally found her a new pair of Minnie Mouse boots so I am sure they will get plenty of use in the next few weeks!
Brady still hasn't figured out that he needs to hold his umbrella up over his head... but he sure thinks its cool when his umbrella fills up with water!!!
Here are a few pics of us soaking wet. We went to go eat lunch at Hard Rock with our friends at the local outdoor mall. We parked in a garage and since it wasn't raining at the time we decided to leave our rain coats and umbrellas in the car (We have enough to carry). From what we remembered there was at least a little bit of shelter to walk under if it did start to rain. So go figure, as we finally started to head over to eat it starts POURING!!! And of course there is one section that has ZERO COVER! So we did what we had to do... make a made dash for the door :) It was hilarious! Imagine me carrying Brady and holding Tessa's hand, pulling her to go faster so we could get inside, with my 7 month prego friend running behind me carrying her 2 year old and her 4 year old son running around in the rain because he thought it was so cool! As we started to run, we ran through a huge puddle and Tessa lost her shoes. She stood there screaming (she hates being wet) and she thought her brand new shoes were gone forever. Those people had to be looking at us thinking "YOU CRAZY AMERICANS!!!" But hey it made us laugh... very hard :)
Here are my soaked children getting ready to eat!
Look at how curly Tessa's hair gets in this wet, humid weather!
funniest afternoon I've had in a long time ;) love tessa's curls...can she please give some to my kids?!!! ;) cute pics, gotta love this weather here!!!