I just had to share with you all our bath time drama...
Ever since we got here we have had a really hard time giving Tessa her bath. The problems we are having is where to give her her bath, what to give it in, and the water temperature. You see the showers here are different then they are at home. The shower is its own little room. It has a removable shower head so you can stand or sit and then a bathtub next to the shower area. The bathtub is really nice but way too deep to do it in. The shower floor is too low and she ends up really mad because she gets too cold, not to mention the person giving her the bath ends up soaked! The other problem is that the bathtub we have is way too small for Tess. She is sitting out of the water and can't play or splash which is her favorite part. She has also figured out how to push her way out of it which has almost ended in a couple accidents! The other part is that the water temperature changes every 5 seconds from freezing to scalding hot. So we are either going to turn her blue or burn her. NOT FUN! So what we have been doing is giving her her bath in her small tub in the sink. Disaster... water goes everywhere and Tess can reach the faucet which changes the water temp :( So today my big adventure was to go to Babies R' Us and get a new tub. This is an adventure on its own. Let's just say the minute we get in the store I had 5 Japanese women stalking me trying to watch Tessa's every move. They finally left us alone when I decided to try and pick out a tub. Now picture the two of us, Americans, in the middle of the store trying out the tubs. I put Tessa in each one to see if she fit. People would walk by and stare at us, but I just played dumb. She tried out all of the tubs and I got the one that I thought would be best. She loved it... until bath time came. She HATED it!!! In the store she sat so well in it (with her clothes on). She was laughing and playing. It was great! Now take her clothes off and add water and the poor girl was doing the backstroke during her bath time. Let's just say I am off to Babies' R Us tomorrow to try to return the tub and buy tub #3. Hopefully the third ones a charm :)
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